The Murals of Cabbagetown in Atlanta

“If I could say it in words there would be no reason to paint.” 

                              -Edward Hopper



The murals of Cabbagetown in Downtown Atlanta are a wall of stories, ideas and even predictions. Sometimes, there are no words to convey to the world that “ thing” that needs to be said, or that has oftentimes been understated. Art in all its many forms is the colorful and sometimes colorless gift that is given to the world.  Honestly, it has the ability to morph. It lives on a plane beyond the dimension of words. Words that are already given to you can sometimes be quite “forward”, telling you what the writer wants you to think about a thing. In many cases, preventing the mind from allowing the individual to push forward into other realms of thought about the “work”. But then enters the visual artist. Forging onto canvas, or walls, or fruit boxes like the artwork from Mexican artist, Narsiso Martinez, or anything that won’t move, a feeling that can’t be stated in words. It must have color and lines and contour and imagery and shape and every other geometric tool that the universe offers to bring forth her idea. This is the plight of the muralist. Possibly it’s their attempt at creating a “gathering place.”  A meeting of the minds. A panel formed on the concrete. Or at least a place to just take a good selfie! …








#jean michelbasquiat



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About the author : Ebony Jones

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