Quotes I Like A Lot

” We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. ” – Albert Einstein

“Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darkness of other people.”  -Carl Jung

“What is right is not always popular, and what is popular is not always right.” – Albert Einstein

“Man is what he thinks about all day long. ” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

” Your Future are your present thought patterns grown up.” – Dr. Joseph Murphy

” I believe we can change the world. But first, we’ve got to stop living in fear of being judged for who we are. ”           – Rachel Hollis, from “Girl, Stop Apologizing”

” Some people are so poor, all they have is money.” -Bob Marley

” Parents, put your ghosts to rest. For if you don’t, they will haunt your children.” – Ebony A. Jones

” We hear so much about a balanced diet but without a balanced mind you can’t digest what you eat. Calories or no calories.” -Florence Schoval Schinn

” I know you won’t believe me but the highest form of Human Excellence is to question oneself and others.” -Socrates

“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” – Plato

“Whenever you are about to find fault with someone, ask yourself the following question: What fault of mine most nearly resembles the one I am about to criticize?” – Marcus Aurelius

“A friend is a second self.” -Cicero

” Be moderate in order to taste the joys of life in abundance.” -Epicurious

“What you have not published, you can destroy. The word, once sent forth, can never be recalled.” -Horace

“If evil be said of thee, and if it be true, correct thyself, if it be a lie, laugh at it.” -Epictetus

“Education is teaching our children to desire the right things.” -Plato

“We are so used to being told what to think. We are so used to having certain programs presented ready for acceptance or rejection, that we do not take very seriously the idea that we should evolve or create programs for ourselves.” from, Satori: The Awakening of Intuition, Manly P. Hall Lecture

” Never discourage anyone, who continually makes progress, no matter how slow.” -Plato

” Love is a serious mental disease.” -Plato

“Don’t judge year greatness by your shadow at sunset.”  -Pythagoras

“If you really want to escape the things that harass you, what you’re needing is not to be in a different place but to be a different person.” – Lucius Seneca

“Circumstances don’t make the man. They only reveal him to himself.” -Epictetus

“Other people’s views and troubles can be contagious. Don’t sabotage yourself by unwittingly adopting negative, unproductive attitudes through your associations with others.”  – Epictetus

” A man must stand erect, not be kept erect by others.”  -Marcus Aurelius

” No man can escape his destiny; the next inquiry being how he may best live the time that he has to live.”             – Marcus Aurelius

“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” – Cicero

“He who laughs at himself never runs out of things to laugh at.” – Epictetus

” Nature hath given men one tongue but two ears, that we may hear from others twice as much as we speak.”      – Epictetus

“Love is a serious mental disease.”  – Plato

“Don’t judge your greatness by your shadow at sunset.” – Pythagoras

“Sobriety is the strength of the soul for its preserves its reason undecided by passion.” – Pythagoras

” Concern should drive us into action and not into depression.” -Pythagoras

” Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing.” -Camille Pissaro

” If you can’t annoy somebody, there is little point in writing.” Kingsley Amis

” Do not try to cover your mistakes with false words. Rather correct your mistakes with examination.”                  – Pythagoras








By Published On: April 14th, 2023Categories: And Stuff, Quotes0 Comments on Quotes I Like A Lot

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About the author : Ebony Jones

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